Website Mirror Archive - Cover Photo

Website Mirror Archive

Local mirrors of defunct websites that I have come across in the course of my research. Attempts have been made to contact the original authors, but if your site is mirrored here and you don’t want it to be, please contact and I will gladly take it down. I am only interested in preservation of this historical information and useful downloads, all credit to the original authors of these sites.

Atari - Karl Morris’s Guide To All Things Atari This Atari Historical Society affiliated site was active until 2007. As per the above, I have been reconstructing it using the Wayback Machine and other resources I find online. I am currently in touch with Karl who is in the process of retrieving his old backups of the site, so watch this space! - Curt Vendel’s Atari Historical Society Museum Curt Vendel sadly unexpectedly passed away on August 30th 2020. The Atari Museum was one of many projects to preserve and document the obscure Atari history and one-of-a-kind prototypes in his collection. Unfortunately the site went offline around a year later, presumably as the hosting / domain was not renewed. As it has proven to be a hugely valuable resource to me over the years, I have reconstructed and mirrored it here as completely as I can so that this work was not in vain. - Atari ST Prototype Page Mirror of a single page all about the prototype Atari ST, originally hosted on, Bob Lash’s personal homepage. It seems the site was last updated in 2013, with these ST files being uploaded in 2002. They’re hard to find and not really documented anywhere else, as well as being of historical importance, so I grabbed them and put them here so that they’re available for future generations. Due to the personal nature of the rest of the site as well as the subject matter (radio astronomy), only this ST prototype page has been mirrored here. - Atari Pather Prototype Page Small page relating to the Atari Panther prototype, the machine that was to be the baby brother to the Jaguar, but cancelled late in development. It seems the owner of this site owns / owned one. Unfortunately, although a version of is still online, it seems the Panther page is now gone. I have contacted the owner of the site but had no response.

Larry Richardson’s Atari 8-bit Docs, Hints and Solutions Archive of the personal homepage of Larry Richardson, where he collected together various Atari 8-bit game manuals and hints and tips. This site went offline in early 2003.

PC - S3 Virge Quake Article Dimension 3D is a long-defunct site all about 3D gaming on PC. This is a mirror of a single article about Quake on an S3 ViRGE from 1998(!). The info here is very useful and linked from the jmpz site, so I decided to rescue it from the Wayback Machine and find the linked files again. Sadly I couldn’t track down the images. I have considered recreating them, but I’m not sure that would be in the spirit of preservation, so I’ve left them broken for now. - GLQuake Page All about running GLQuake on an S3 ViRGE. This site was very useful when I was researching my S3 ViRGE video. It’s mirrored from a very old Tripod site which, while still notionally online, seems to have been abandoned around 2003. Link rot had set in, so I decided to create a local mirror and track down all of the missing files. Note that this was a smaller section of someone’s personal homepage - Jason Schuler, whose current site seems to be Due to the personal nature of some of the other content, only the Quake part has been mirrored here. - AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS Page Mirror of a small section of the personal homepage of Peter H. S. Madsens, which, while stil online, was last updated in 2008. I found the information about CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT incredibly useful and would hate for it to be lost forever, so have mirrored it here for the day it inevitably vanishes. - Wacky Wheels Fansite Wacky Wheels fansite which seems to have gone offline around 2017. A Wayback Machine mirror is linked from Apogee’s own legacy Wacky Wheels page, but as with many Internet Archive mirrors, many of the download links were broken. I have tried to track these down and reinstate these where I can, particularly the music downloads.

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